
Sunday, October 10, 2021

296th doujinshi scanlation! (tongue-thigh-off) ENDABLE (South Park)

Here is a South Park guro doujinshi that I got from the otaku republic website! This doujinshi is pretty interesting. Also, I am now down the rabbit hole and getting into guro but only when cute shotas like Kyle is involved. The story is simple, Kyle sees Kenny getting killed when they are playing super heroes and I guess remembers it happening. Then he gets fascinated with it and wants to kill Kenny himself. That is pretty much it. There is a twist ending though that you will have to download to find out. There doesn't seem to be a sexual reason for Kyle doing that to Kenny, so this is rated non-H. 

PS sorry for some of the pages having blurry sides. The doujins binding was really tight.

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