
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

249th doujinshi scanlation! (SHRUB) 君の笑顔が見たいから (Legend of Zelda)

Here is a non-H Legend of Zelda doujinshi starring Mido, Saria and Link that I got from Suruga-ya! This is a drama filled doujinshi with the 3. Lot's of character interactions between Mido and Saria, I assume about Link. Link appears for a short bit in kid form and as an adult. Nothing much else to this doujinshi. The art is really good as well with good backgrounds. Hope everyone enjoys!

248th doujinshi scanlation! (あきよしき) あきよしきコレクション 2 (Vocaloid)

Here is a cute Rin and Len full color illustration doujinshi that I got from Suruga-ya! Nothing much to this doujinshi, just cute pictures of Rin and Len in various outfits! Also each picture is in a different art style. Hope everyone enjoys!