
Friday, October 15, 2021

297th doujinshi scanlation! (Dynamic Kanoke) Ultra Alola Boys (Pokemon Sun and Moon)

 Here is a Pokemon sun and moon copy-bon with Hau and Gladion that I got from Toranona. I haven't ever played the sun and moon gen of pokemon games. They are on my list to do but I am playing X and shield right now. This doujinshi is only a few pages long. Some are in full color and the rest is in black and white. The color pages have Gladion fucking Hau. The black and white portion has mob x Gladion & Hau. Short, simple and to the point. The art is nice except the nipples. I just don't like how this artist draws super pointy nipples. That is just not my thing. Doesn't take the enjoyment out of this doujin for me though. Hope everyone enjoys! 

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