
Tuesday, January 10, 2023

356th doujinshi scanlation! (Namie-kun) Some Bunch Of Vocaloids! (Vocaloid) in English!

 Here is a interesting doujin of Vocaloid that I got from a Deviant-art user named Namie-kun quite a few years back. I don't unfortunately remember which year that was. This doujinshi has a couple different stories from Namie-kun like karaoke with all of them, a cooking show with Kaito and Len crossdressing as his sis Rin because of blackmail. As you can tell from the cover, alot of the vocaloids make appearances in here! There are also some different illustrations by other Deviant-art artists in here as well. Namie-kun has deactivated their account but their fan club remains so there is at least still a trace of them left - . I hope everyone enjoys!

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