
Sunday, September 19, 2021

289th doujinshi scanlation! (Chuuni & OUT OF SIGHT) FBFBse (Fruits Basket)

Here is a Tohru x Kisa and little bit of Hiro x Kisa copy-bon doujinshi that I got from Suruga-ya! This doujinshi is pretty cute and the art is nice. The art is abit sketchy though but it does give it a nice touch. Tohru and Kisa take a bath together and things get hot and heavy slowly. There are a some illustrations in here as well. The Hiro and Kisa section has Hiro finding Kisa who is being held in a bondage situation. He then violates here. It does seem abit rapey so I will have the rapw tag for that part. It is just 4 pages so the rest is more vanilla yuri. Hope everyone enjoys!

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