
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

290th doujinshi scanlation! (さくらんぼアイス) MIMI■■■BOX (Vocaloid)

 Here is a cute full color illustration animal ear Vocaloid doujinshi that I got from Toranona! This doujinshi is very interesting. The first thing you probably noticed is how odd this doujinshi is shaped! That makes this particular doujin really unique! This is the only doujinshi that I have seen in this particular shape. This doujinshi has all of the main Vocaloids making appearances in various animal modules! Len appears the most though, not that I mind! Hope everyone enjoys!

Sunday, September 19, 2021

289th doujinshi scanlation! (Chuuni & OUT OF SIGHT) FBFBse (Fruits Basket)

Here is a Tohru x Kisa and little bit of Hiro x Kisa copy-bon doujinshi that I got from Suruga-ya! This doujinshi is pretty cute and the art is nice. The art is abit sketchy though but it does give it a nice touch. Tohru and Kisa take a bath together and things get hot and heavy slowly. There are a some illustrations in here as well. The Hiro and Kisa section has Hiro finding Kisa who is being held in a bondage situation. He then violates here. It does seem abit rapey so I will have the rapw tag for that part. It is just 4 pages so the rest is more vanilla yuri. Hope everyone enjoys!