
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

177th doujinshi scanlations! (のの路) JUNCTION! (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

Here is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle doujinshi that I got from Alicebooks! This is a short doujin that just seems to focus on the life of the turtles. Training, that sort of stuff. The art is great, just like the show. Every turtle makes an appearance . Hope everyone enjoys!

Monday, November 19, 2018

176th doujinshi scanlation! (だくはん) 弟、兄にまっしぐら (Vocaloid)

Here is a cute kemonomimi vocaloid doujinshi with a light pairing of Kaito x Len. The Master seems to use a program to make all of the main vocaloids into different animals. This is an adorable book with great art. Hope everyone enjoys!

175th doujinshi scanlation! (Plastics) Happy End (Pokemon)

Here is a very cute Plastics Pokemon doujinshi that I got from Suruga-ya! More N and Black cuteness with great art. The story is the main focus and it looks like it is filled with drama and maybe a little sadness. Anyway, hope everyone enjoys!